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accessible healthcare

Ensuring Accessible Care Through Flexible Payment Options at Townsen Memorial Health System

At Townsen Memorial Health System, our core values of compassion, quality, integrity, and excellence guide every aspect of our operations. These principles not only shape the way we provide medical care but also how we handle the financial aspects of that care. We understand that financial concerns should never be a barrier to accessing health services. This is why we are committed to providing flexible payment options, including accommodating a broad spectrum of insurance carriers. By doing so, we ensure that our high-quality, patient-centered healthcare is accessible to everyone who needs it.

Your Weightloss Journey with Townsen Memorial Health System: How Bariatric Surgery Can Change Your Life

At Townsen Memorial Health System, we believe that Bariatric Surgery is a safe and effective way to integrate weight loss into your life while keeping your unique health journey in mind. However, these procedures are still underutilized within the greater healthcare industry.

Statistics from the National Library of Medicine found that nearly 30 million adults in the country are candidates for these treatments. Still, only one percent of them—an estimated 228,000 individuals—receive it. Even then, Bariatric Surgeries have been proven to be effective among candidates with body mass indexes (BMI) greater than 40 or individuals who have obesity-related conditions paired with a BMI greater than 35.